Mike Concannon to Stay Positive in Final Stretch of Campaign

CAMPAIGN UPDATE: Election Day in the City of Woburn is Tuesday, November 7th.

We continue to receive tremendous feedback as we knock on doors, hold signs, and attend community events throughout the city; all the while conducting a positive, respectful, and professional campaign.

To be honest, some days are more difficult than others, but we will continue to take the high road and not engage in mud slinging or negativity; despite some recent personal character attacks from my opponent. In the past couple of weeks, Scott has essentially alleged that I am a corrupt politician in the pocket of special interests.

Now, anyone who knows me (including Scott), knows that this allegation is absurd. He knows that my family members’ service to their community is an honorable thing. He knows that I could not and would not ever be bought. And, he knows that the endorsements and efforts of the city’s workforce on behalf of my candidacy are simply a reflection of their desperate yearning for actual leadership in the corner office. Further, he knows the strength of my character and he knows that I am my own man.

Scott knows very well who I am and how I conduct myself, personally and professionally. He has known me for 40 years, he knows how I have raised my family, he knows of my solid and unimpeachable reputation as a 26 year member and senior commander of the Massachusetts State Police, as an active member of our community for my whole adult life, and as a 10 year member of the Woburn City Council.

Again, Scott knows me and he knows that none of what he is saying is true. He is simply worried about losing his job and is resorting to old school dirty politics to try to win an election. That is unfortunate.

Despite these distractions, we remain focused on November 7th. I pledge to work hard each and every day until Election Day to earn the votes to become Woburn’s next Mayor and to do so in a professional manner.

If you would like to help out in any way, please let us know if you would be willing to:

  • host a meet and greet display a yard sign

  • put a bumper sticker on your car

  • wear a button

  • join us in canvassing neighborhoods

  • hold signs in advance of the election

  • hold signs at the debate on October 24th

  • hold signs on Election Day, November 7th

Thank you very much for your support! -Mike


Woburn Mayoral Forum 10/24


Woburn Candidate Profile: Mike Concannon For Mayor (Patch)